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Delivery and payment


Payment for the order is made to the account of a private entrepreneur. Payment data is provided by our manager during communication in a convenient messenger.

Payment for an international order is made through PayPal or TransferGo/TransferWise.

PayPal, TransferGo and TransferWise logo

For international shipments, there is a surcharge for shipping to your country. We calculate this price according to the price of postal companies. Most often, it depends on the address of the recipient and the weight of the order. To find out this price, write to us in the "Support" window and our manager will contact you.

Shipping in Ukraine

When placing each order, our manager communicates with you about delivery. If this is an order from Ukraine, we send it via Nova Poshta or Ukrposhta. The amount of the shipment is paid by the recipient.

Nova Poshta and Ukrposhta logo

Shipping abroad

The situation is similar with orders from abroad. Our manager will contact you and find out the recipient's country. We mainly ship with ROSAN. However, if your location is not on the ROSAN service list, then we use the services of Ukrposhta. The parcel can be easily tracked on the map.

Rosan logo

We can send some orders (for example, Poland) by regular bus at the customer's request.

What else to read?

About us

Hi! We are an Ukrainian custom bikebags brand KAVOON

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Order history. The indomitability of Ukrainians

Recently, we've sewed one more order - a kit of bags that have a long history. That kit included a bumbag for a handlebar and a framebag. Both bags are in blue-yellow Cordura colours and with embroidery strap.

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